- Set up and forget. We did our very best to simplify the program configuration process. You will only need to select the databases to be backed up and their destination location. As a rule, it takes less than a minute.
- Multiple backup destinations. The program supports a number of popular cloud storage services, including Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive and Amazon S3. Backup copies can be also saved to an FTP server and/or local/networked folder.
- Flexible scheduler. You can create a schedule for automating backup tasks.
- Remote SQL Server backups. You don’t need to install Cloud Backup Robot on every computer where you need to create Microsoft SQL Server backups. The program can do it remotely over a LAN or the Internet, and will download the resulting backup file to your computer.
- Stability. The backup creation process does not interrupt the work of MS SQL Server.
- Compression. The program save backups to ZIP archives and stores them in a compressed form.
- Removal of unnecessary backup copies. You can configure the program so that obsolete backup copies are automatically deleted without taking up hard drive or cloud storage space. For instance, you can keep 5 most recent backup copies, or keep backup copies made in the last 90 days.
- Restoration. Cloud Backup Robot is supplied with a free tool for restoring databases from backups.